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MPW-5 Shuttle Projects

gitLinkShuttleTest public

Ahmed Emad Abdel Rahman

More details coming soon

test_shipping public

Jeff DiCorpo

All chip tapeout

EmadTest public

Ahmed Emad Abdel Rahman

This is a test chip which contains a bunch of digital logic cells that have been automatically...

lue public

Ahmed El-Omla

Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue specimens are mainly used by the medical...

EDA test public

Marwan Abbas

This is the reimplementation of a tiny stack based CPU

project_3_11_1 public

Michael Irsch

2nd test chip of Chipalooza analog IP blocks

test_brandon public

Jeff DiCorpo

This project contains array of various sizes of 1T1R devices and a 1T1R 256x256 ReRAM module for...

shuttleSwitchTest4 public

Ahmed Emad Abdel Rahman

The Aim of this exercise is to design a linear feedback shift register to produce a random...

Project_3_14_1 public

Michael Irsch

RRAM-based memory with various sizes. Memory supports read-write and forming...

test_riscduino public

Jeff DiCorpo

Project for VLSI Design lessons @ UFMG

test_derek public

Jeff DiCorpo

Test of new patmos

test_matt public

Jeff DiCorpo

A generic waveform generator divided into stimulus and driver units that can be arbitrarily...

test_jeffdi public

Jeff DiCorpo

This is a test for the analog design flow