Ahmad Nofal
Anton's next test of pushing a repo
This is an implementation of BCD to Seven Segment Decoder. The module takes 4 bit BCD input and...
Ahmad Nofal
Michael Irschick
Demo project for testing the platform
Michael Irschick
DES encryption & decryption
Michael Irschick | http://test.com
Project instantiates HyperRAM controller for external memory chip (8MB version) connected to...
Ahmad Nofal
Ahmad Nofal
Multi-project chip containing open-source replica of Z80
Ahmad Nofal
Ahmad Nofal
caravel test
Ahmad Nofal
Using open source project NNgen to perform tensor calculation
Ahmad Nofal
Our project performs an RSA encryption of an 8-byte input and output the result. The public key...
Ahmad Nofal
Integration of the blocks AgroCHip
Michael Irschick | http://test.com
This project simulates the overlapping Moore Design for Sequence Detection where it toggles the...
Ahmad Nofal
Ahmad Nofal
Michael Irschick
Implementation of 16-bit-Ladner-Fischer-Adder
Ahmad Nofal
This project simulates the designed UART Transmitter module which is used to transmit a data...
Ahmad Nofal
Ahmad Nofal
Digital test chip for C2S2 team.
Michael Irschick | http://test.com
Gray code counter is a digital counter that counts such that each successive bit patterns...
Ahmad Nofal
Test project
Michael Irschick
Dual MAC unit with single sigmoid AF
Ahmad Nofal
demo design
Ahmad Nofal
FABulous eFPGA fabric generated and taped out on the new gf180 process